Although you may well be as happy as Larry with your current kettle, perhaps you may have overlooked a very modern and functional alternative; yes we are talking about the instant hot water tap! Whether you are designing a new kitchen or simply want to revamp your current setup, this fantastic appliance will certainly add some serious value. This article takes a closer look at these space-saving appliances and discusses the myriad of reasons why you should be considering the instant hot water tap sooner rather than later. Instant Hot Water Tap explained You have probably already seen a few of these excellent devices in top-end hotels and upmarket kitchens, but they would suit your own household just as well. These appliances essentially deliver boiling hot water at the press of a button. They can also supply chilled water just as easily. The tap itself is connected to a device that is usually conveniently underneath the worktops. This is then plumbed into the mains system to provide water as and when required. Space Saving and So Much More! Instant boiling water taps look fantastic and are far more functional when compared to the old fashioned kettle. You can forget about that troublesome limescale and the 3 or 4-minute wait for the poor old device to boil will be a distant memory. Just think how much time you could save over the space of a typical working week, especially in a busy household or office kitchen. Those delicious bowls of instant porridge and teas and coffees are ready and waiting for the press of a button! Functionality and Form Your faithful hot water bottle can get a handy refill in less time than it takes to fill up the rusty old kettle and as for knocking up a cup of noodles or soup, you'll never have to kick your heels waiting for the water to get up to speed.  When compared to the kitchen hot tap, the Instant Boiling Water Tap will always step up to the plate when you need to break down that pesky surface grease on your roasting tins. You can regain some precious space on the kitchen worktops and these devices cost far less than you would imagine.  So if it is time to show your dehydration the door, why not upgrade to an Instant Hot Water Tap today? Don't just take our word for it, Rugby legend and Masterchef Winner, Phil Vickery MBE has endorsed the Heatrae Sadia Aquatap, see what he has to say here.