As the weather starts to change and we feel that autumnal atmosphere start to creep in, we look at the common myth that is, drinking plenty of water is not as important in winter as it is in the warmer months. Nothing could be further from the truth and dehydration is almost as big a threat in the colder months as it is in the height of summer. Winter and Dehydration We often connect exercise and sweating with loosing water, and usually those of us who are sensible, will take extra water onboard to allow for that loss of fluids. But were you aware that we lose plenty of water vapour through our breath in the winter months? And when the central heating is cranked up to offer some instant comfort, all of the humidity is sucked out of the air and this leads to dry skin and even worse. The problem with keeping up with the recommended water intake in the colder times of the year, it can be a real struggle to drink cool liquids when we are trying to stay warm.   Keep Warm and Hydrated By substituting cool water for refreshing warm drinks, we can combat the dehydration and maintain our body temperature all in one fell swoop. Thanks to innovative brands such as Marco and Heatrae Sadia, making delicious and instantly available beverages is easier than ever. Ditch the kettle, save water and energy by simply taking enough for your single drink and you’ll never have to wait for the kettle to boil again. Our Range of Hot Hydration Solutions As well as a range of excellent hot water solutions for the workplace, Water Boilers Direct provides some stylish and pretty slick devices for our homes. Here are a few samples for your perusal: Marco Countertop Ecoboiler (10L) -  With a snazzy autofill feature and the ability to provide instant boiling water to the entire household, it is little wonder that this product is flying off the shelves. Heatrae Sadia Boiling & Ambient Aquatap – This futuristic appliance offers householders all across the UK instant boiling and ambient water at the touch of a button. Aesthetically pleasing and ever so functional, the Boiling &Ambient Aquatap offers a real ROI as well as cutting edge technology for any kitchen. Heatrae Sadia Supreme 150SS – Stainless Steel – If you were looking for a wall mounted boiler with instant hot water at the touch of a button, this product will tick all of those boxes and many more. With a massive 25 litre capacity and an attractive design that would credit any kitchen, the Heatrae Sadia Supreme 150SS is equally at home in a busy household, schools and even the workplace! We do hope you can enjoy the winter months just as much as our summer and as long as you stay hydrated, you should be nice and healthy all year round!