Just because temperatures in the winter are somewhat colder does not mean you still do not need to drink plenty of water. Keeping well hydrated is important in any season, as water provides life-sustaining health benefits, no matter what the temperature is outside. Winter Hydration During the summer, you need to continuously be drinking water whenever you are performing physical activity of any kind, since your body loses a great deal of fluid through sweating. Many people may not realise it, but during the winter, it is still possible to sweat a little while performing physical activity. As a result, if you are chopping wood or shoveling snow, you will still need to drink water while you are doing these things in order to replenish any fluid you have lost.  © Kamil Macniak | Dreamstime.com Importance of Staying Hydrated Staying well hydrated ensures that all of your mental and physical processes operate as they should. As a result, when your body needs to burn more energy or increase its circulation in order to stay warm, it will be able to do that. Being dehydrated also increases your risk of frostbite and hypothermia if you are in extreme cold conditions, therefore you should ensure you are well hydrated before spending any amount of time outdoors. Summer vs. Winter Hydration The primary difference between summer and winter hydration is the fact that your body’s trigger mechanisms may not kick in as much whenever it’s cold outside. This means you are less likely to be thirsty or feel faint because you haven’t consumed enough fluids.  Since sweat tends to evaporate quickly in the cold, you may not even notice you are sweating, and therefore wont’ be concerned about drinking more water. As a result, you must be extra vigilant about staying well hydrated during the winter months, since your body may not be telling you that you need to do so. Using something such as a drink alarm app can help you to stay on top of your water intake. Winter Hydration Tips In the winter, it can be difficult to carry bottles of water with you. Instead, consider bringing a thermos full of hot water with you wherever you go. During the winter months it can be more appealing to have hot drinks but be careful when drinking too much coffee or tea, as these beverages contain caffeine that will actually act as a diuretic, and cause you to become dehydrated rather than providing much-needed hydration. A great alternative is to have herbal teas; these come in a range of flavours and contribute towards your water intake. One of the newest additions to hot water market are instant boiling water taps; this lasted kitchen must have makes making hot drinks far quicker and easier than the traditional kettle.  Staying well hydrated in winter is just as important as it is during the summer months. Drinking lots of water when it is cold outside will require a great deal more effort on your part, but is nonetheless essential for your health and well being.