On a scorching day or after an hour or so of strenuous activity, nothing seems to quench your thirst better than a generous helping of chilled fresh water. That feeling when the cold liquid pours down your throat and hydrates the rest of your body is second to none, but did you know that you may be missing something here? In terms of keeping your body cool whilst staying on top of your hydration requirements, a hot cup of tea could potentially be the better bet. So how does this work? Okay, as far as reaching for the kettle or instant hot water tap is concerned when you are quite frankly sweating buckets, it may not seem to be the smartest move. But according to researchers in the University of Ottawa’s School of Human Kinetics , a hot drink can certainly cool us down nicely. Essentially, when we take a hot beverage on board whilst our body temperature is higher than normal, it will evaporate any additional sweat that is created by this action. This will then reduce the amount of heat stored in our bodies and the knock on effect is a lower body temperature. Of course, the temperature of the hot drink needs to be higher than your body temperature but if you use an instant boiling water tap for creating the beverage in the first place, that shouldn’t be an issue.     Bring back the tea round On another point, were you aware that the traditional tea round has all but disappeared in the modern workplace? In fact, many workers are simply too busy to stop for an afternoon cuppa and avoid this vital break altogether. What could be more refreshing than a lovely hot cup of your favourite beverage on a busy and productive afternoon? If you combine the break with a little natter and perhaps the odd biscuit, surely the stress factor will have to leave the building? Installing an instant boiling water tap in your breakout area and setting up a rota that allows each employee to do their bit in refreshing the rest of your workforce is a great idea to help bring this tradition back!